Hey, yo, aloha, howdy, ahoy, bonjour!
(ahh..what the heck...)

Enjoy peeps!

Leave a message =D
Caution : Have your inhaler next to you. This post contains asthma-and-other-side-effects-triggering contents. Peace.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

# 41 Tagged by Jaclyn...=P

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness

Here goes!

Alex :

1. *Heart* Lifehouse!

2. Was mistaken to be cat person. meow?

3. Just got tagged by the person who mistaken me.

4. Is gonna be a hardcore Burger King supporter.

5. Feels that people should wear undergarments outside. (its time to imitate and let the inner superman out!)

6. ummm....i'm Alex. (does that count?)

7. Is working on a birthday poem! wohooo!

8. Hate everything Mandarin or chinese! (chinese food excluded)

9. Learned some card magic tricks. (looks retarded though)

10. Always end up sleeping on the other end of the bed.

11. Have 3 pillows and 2 bolsters on his queen-sized bed and is still not satisfied.

12. Mourns for his dead hamsters who's been hibernating in heaven for 4 years.

13. Drinks gallons of water within 24 hours.

14. Feel like quitting piano. (just the learning part)

15. Had a sudden affection for poetry. =D

16. Thinks this tag needs more space to write. Its too short. the list just wont end! (can i start another one? does that count? is it legal?)

haha! woooots!

the lucky ones are...
(darn it! why can't i tag the one who first tagged me!)

1. Jocelyn
2. Ivan
3. Chew
4. Sylvia
5. Sherlina
6. Ju Yi
7. Yvonne
8. Gwen
9. Dianne
10. E-Lane

reasons? cos' i feel like i want to. =D

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